CFA Showcases Client Projects

Featured Projects
We thought it would be really great to showcase our client’s projects to spread an inspirational vibe.
Therefore, we are giving you the opportunity to create a showcase of your project. Showcase your project with photos or hand sketches, and an optional blog post and video! Each month, CFA features one client project on our website, which receives over 600 hits per day AEC industry professionals. Featured clients include photographs and a blog post detailing the project.
To participate we ask for three high resolution project photographs with the dimensions of 215 wide x 135 high. We also ask you to choose one of the three photographs to be on the header of the blog post with the dimensions 950 wide x 430 high. Submit your project blog post on a Word document. The submission deadline is the Friday of the third week of the month. To participate, we require three high-resolution project photographs or hand-sketches (dimensions 215 wide x 135 high). We also ask you to choose one of the three photographs or a hand sketch to be on the header of your blog post (dimensions 950 wide x 430 high). To submit a video, please provide the URL link to your video.
Again, the submission deadline is the Friday of the third week of the month.
Thank you for your interest in showcasing your project on our website.
If you have any questions please contact David McFadden at (212) 532-4360 or