How to Make the Most of Entry-Level Architecture Jobs

No matter what you hope your destination will be, if you want to make a career out of architecture, it’s going to start with an entry-level job.
While that may not seem quite as exciting as your long-term goal, entry-level architecture jobs have a lot of potential if you know exactly how to approach them.
4 Ways to Make the Most Out of Entry-Level Architecture Jobs
Finding out you’ve been hired for your first architecture job is an absolutely incredible feeling.
However, don’t forget about the following four ways people have successfully taken full advantage of their entry level-architecture jobs, so you can make the most of this opportunity.
1. Consider the City the Job Is In
If you’re still applying for jobs, be sure to consider which city those jobs are in. Ideally, you want it to be a great city for architects, so you’ll be surrounded by opportunities.
That said, no matter where it is, brush up on your networking skills. This will help you on the job (more on that in a minute), but it will also go a long way toward helping you eventually find an even better role if you use these skills within your local industry.
2. Firm Up Your Soft Skills
Your duties as an architect include more than just preparing drawings and structure specifications.
Success will also depend on your soft skills, which include proficiency with:
- Team-building
- Communicating
- Problem-solving
Look for every opportunity in your entry-level role to sharpen these skills and the road ahead of you will become much easier.
3. Come Up with a 90-Day Plan
Every entry-level employee should come up with a 90-day plan to hit the ground running. This is especially true in architecture, though. You should also have a plan for the first week and the first month.
For example, during your first week, meet everyone on your team, department, or inside the entire firm, depending on its size. Become 100% clear on what your responsibilities are, too.
Over the first 30 days, finish meeting everyone if you haven’t already. Make it a point to ask at least one question a day, provided you genuinely don’t know the answer and you’re not slowing down your coworkers. It’s vital that you learn as much as possible.
During the first 90 days, you should look for a “mentor.” This doesn’t have to be an official capacity, but get a sense for whom – aside from your boss – you can learn the most from and keep asking them questions.
Of course, if they ever need help, go out of your way to repay their kindness.
Want Help Finding the Best Entry-Level Architecture Jobs?
As you can see, entry-level architecture jobs can be so much more than just an opportunity to get your foot in the door.
When you take the right approach, they can become a real launching point for the rest of your career. You may even be surprised to find just how quickly the above advice can bring you to your next step.
Of course, long before that happens, you need to land that first position. That’s where we come in. At Consulting For Architects, Inc. we’ve helped people just like you land their first jobs. Contact us today and let’s talk about how we can help you with your specific goals.