
Yearly Archives: 2013

I don’t want to do anything else!

“Maybe you should do something else”. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had somebody say that to me over the last couple of years. It usually follows a long winded rant on my part about how much the profession sucks, how hard it is to find work, how hard it is to get

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Yoga and the practice of architecture

“Let your breath lead you into the pose” For those of you who practice yoga you have no doubt heard that quote at one time or another during your practice. It means you can’t (or shouldn’t) force your body into a yoga pose, rather, let your body acclimate to and deepen into the pose by

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When the East Outsources to the West

By connecting the dots in the media, markets, nations, books etc. one can generate ideas and spot trends. Today I shall connect dots from various sectors e.g. nations, projects, architects etc. with the purpose of doing news analysis and spotting the hot zones in the current market for architects. The analysis would be of the times

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“Keep Dancing”

“It’s not for you” “For everyone else, though, the ability to say, “It’s not for you,” is the foundation for creating something brave and important. You can’t do your best work if you’re always trying to touch the untouchable, or entertain those that refuse to be entertained. “It’s not for you.” This is easy to

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NYT: Architecture Down…My Response..but not out

Last month, the New York Times published an article discussing how while college is a great investment, a major in Architecture is not one.  Because the unemployment rates for architecture graduates were the highest, that was the major to make the enemy.  Let us forget the fact that the return on investment is not only

architecture, architecture jobs, Hiring trends, starting a business, unemployed architects | , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Pentagram: new york city’s redesigned parking signs

All I can say is did we really need to do this? Full article via design boom  

architecture critic, Art, built environment, Design, Landscape Architecture, Sculpture, Urban Planning | , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Freelance architecture and design consultants the wave of the future?

In the “old days,” a firm might turn down a project because it didn’t have the necessary staff to handle it properly. Today, firms can maintain a lean staff in lean times and hire freelance consultants when business picks up. In the process they can hire people with the particular skills needed for particular jobs.

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Seeking candidates for multiple positions

NYC resident architects – all levels. Please send your resume and work samples to [email protected]. Perm and temp.

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