
Monthly Archives: March 2013

Zombie Clients

I received a call a while ago from a prospective client we did some preliminary design work for a concierge assisted living facility years ago. It did not go well as a lot of these fliers we take in pursuit of work go often do. We have experience in this building type and tried, in

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So you want to be an architect?

May I ask why? Aah architecture. The grand old profession of Wright, Sullivan, Mies and Kahn. The ability to shape cities with one’s own hands, to change lives and alter the course of history. To be Howard Roark of the Fountainhead, dreaming of blowing up your own creation because the client, a necessary evil of

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These Days, Recruiters Are Worth the Money

When it comes to sourcing the right interview candidates, I’ve never been keen to use recruiters. But I recently changed my mind. My company, Metal Mafia, has an excellent candidate screening process, a super training program, and a very successful team of employees to show for it. But hiring has always been a difficult task

architect, architecture, architecture jobs, construction, Consulting For Architects, David McFadden, Design, Freelancer tips, Hiring trends, Interior design, jobs, recession, unemployed architects | , , , , , | 1 Comment

The race to the bottom

Architects and their fees A short while ago we submitted a proposal for a fairly large, two building flex-office space complex. A simple project, not much if any design work but the kind of project a firm would do to generate cash flow and keep the company pro-forma in the black. Our proposal was to

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New Job Openings. Immediate Start!

Arch 4+ yrs. April through Oct. Revit skills required, experience in Higher Education market segment preferred but not required. Experience in SD through CD phases of documentation and 3-D/Graphic presentation skills. Arch 4+ yrs. Approximately mid April start. AutoCAD documentation skills. Ability to translate/apply existing Construction Documents and Details to a new plan configuration. Health

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I don’t want to do anything else!

“Maybe you should do something else”. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had somebody say that to me over the last couple of years. It usually follows a long winded rant on my part about how much the profession sucks, how hard it is to find work, how hard it is to get

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Yoga and the practice of architecture

“Let your breath lead you into the pose” For those of you who practice yoga you have no doubt heard that quote at one time or another during your practice. It means you can’t (or shouldn’t) force your body into a yoga pose, rather, let your body acclimate to and deepen into the pose by

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When the East Outsources to the West

By connecting the dots in the media, markets, nations, books etc. one can generate ideas and spot trends. Today I shall connect dots from various sectors e.g. nations, projects, architects etc. with the purpose of doing news analysis and spotting the hot zones in the current market for architects. The analysis would be of the times

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“Keep Dancing”

“It’s not for you” “For everyone else, though, the ability to say, “It’s not for you,” is the foundation for creating something brave and important. You can’t do your best work if you’re always trying to touch the untouchable, or entertain those that refuse to be entertained. “It’s not for you.” This is easy to

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NYT: Architecture Down…My Response..but not out

Last month, the New York Times published an article discussing how while college is a great investment, a major in Architecture is not one.  Because the unemployment rates for architecture graduates were the highest, that was the major to make the enemy.  Let us forget the fact that the return on investment is not only

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New Jobs